Saturday 30 March 2013

New England Farm by a Winter Road

DURRIE, George Henry (1820 – 1863)
Oil on canvas, 45.7 X 61 cms
Private Collection
Connecticut born Durrie was apparently referred to as the snow man by fellow artists as he rather specialised in this sort of painting. A great deal of time and distance separates this painting from the previous one by Bruegel but the snow itself has a timeless and universal quality that leaves very little that is unique in its wake. What we do see here is a large and prosperous New England farmhouse apparently unhindered by the snows. This may be the owner safely returning home or a visitor come to share or to help in some way. Another figure is seen walking the dog a short distance before returning. In the barn are two cows well supplied with fodder. So despite the threatening clouds, despite the snow, despite the bare trees and the bare mountain, the message is a comforting one. Like the evcergreens here, we New Englanders know what Winter is about and we can weather it. We know how to sit tight until Spring comes again. No wonder such pictures in print form became so very popular in their time and beyond.